Reading Memories…

Day 21: Reading Memories…


One of my earliest memories is of my mother reading to me. My parents were in their forties when I was born, and I had siblings almost 20 years older than I. We had some OLD books!  We had a great version of Grimm’s Fairytales, Mother Goose Nursery Rhymes, and more.

She read to me about Little Black Sambo (the best story ever about a kid who TRIUMPHS over something POWERFUL (great read for a kid who feels weak), she read to me Chinese folk tales, and stories that were way above my mental level.  She knew that the sound of her voice would be soothing, the repetition of sentences would improve my own sentence structure (eventually), and I would catch on! She had great expectations and cheerfully anticipated that would be able to follow along.

Do you do that for your children? Do you expect the best and speak positively around them and to them?